Incentives and Economics of Data Sharing – IEDS
Ongoing digitization is transforming the economy and society at an ever faster pace. The proliferation of digital technologies and artificial intelligence is generating an immense flood of data that is disruptively changing today’s business models and turning data into a strategic resource. In addition to the shift from tangible to “smart” products and from controlling the physical value chain to controlling the data value chain, there is the fundamental shift in the digitized economy where innovation increasingly takes place in ecosystems. A data ecosystem is characterized by multiple relationships in a network of multiple actors such as organizations, companies, individuals, or technical components such as machines or software. Ecosystem actors share data across organizations in pursuit of common goals and values. The GAIA-X initiative is currently shaping a data infrastructure at the European level. It is intended to guarantee the sovereignty and trustworthiness of the participants in a data ecosystem for the interorganizational exchange of data. However, the right incentives and foundations for data exchange must also be in place in sovereign and secure data ecosystems. To this end, the project “Incentives and Economics of Data Sharing – IEDS”, funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, was launched.

The aim of the project “Incentives and Economics of Data Sharing – IEDS” is to investigate the design of incentive systems for data sharing in an entrepreneurial context through interdisciplinary collaborative research. For this purpose, the topic of data sharing will be analyzed from different perspectives, such as technical and economic. Specifically, insights will be gained and mechanisms developed on how to incentivize organizations to participate in open and collaborative data networks.
Innovations are increasingly taking place in collaborative networks. However, various challenges arise in the emergence of data-based networks. In addition to solutions to legal and security challenges related to cross-company data exchange, approaches are also needed to create incentives for the various players to participate in these networks. Such incentives are necessary to do justice to the strategic importance of data for Germany and Europe and to enable companies to successfully participate in relevant initiatives, such as GAIA-X.
The project will identify requirements for holistic data strategies as well as data management that set the stage for companies to participate in interorganizational data exchange.
Our report shows how efficient and agile data management can be used to successfully participate in data sharing. In doing so, the DataOps practice shows ways to build standardized and automated data pipelines to make data provisioning faster and of higher quality!

Your contact persons

Dr. Can Azkan
Fraunhofer Institute for Software and Systems Engineering ISST
(Project management)
Emil-Figge Straße 91
44227 Dortmund
+49 231 976770

Dr. Frederik Möller
TU Dortmund – Industrial Information Management IIM
Joseph-von-Fraunhofer-Str. 2-4
44227 Dortmund
+49 231 755 8313

Dr. Henry Goecke
German Economic Institute
Konrad-Adenauer-Ufer 21
50668 Köln
+49 221 4981770

Prof. Dr. Irene Bertschek
ZEW – Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research
L 7, 1
68161 Mannheim
+49 621 1235178

Dr. Holger Kett
Fraunhofer Institute fe for Industrial Engineering IAO
Nobelstraße 12
70569 Stuttgart
+49 711 97001